HOW TO: Enabling Python in cPanel
Posted by Uvaraj N. on 01 June 2021 04:36 PM

Enabling Python in cPanel

You can now set up multiple application quickly from within cPanel. Each Python application can have it's own directory structure and installed on it's own domain, subdomain, or subfolder. Each installation can also have it's own modules.  All of this can be managed from within the 'Setup Python App' page.

Creating the application

1.) Log into cPanel.

2.) Click the 'Setup Python App' icon

3.) Under the 'setup new application' section select the Python version and setup the app directory and domain. When done, click the 'Setup' button

4.) When setup you should see a screen similar to the one below:

Updating and Removing applications

If you need to change an application, such as updating the python version or changing the application directory or URL you can do so from the Existing application section.  For the updates to take effect, you must click the 'Update' button at the bottom of the application window.

To remove an application, click the 'Remove' button at the bottom of the application window.

Installing Modules

Modules can be installed via SSH or using the modules section of the application by clicking the 'Show' link next to modules:

1.) Type in the module you wish to install.

2.) Click on the module, and you will be able to choose which version to install.

3.) Click the 'Add' button to add the application.


NOTE: Please request for Jailed SSH from our support via [email protected] if required.

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